วันเสาร์ที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Rating of the most bizarre sea creatures

Aliens from other worlds: Rating of the most bizarre sea creatures

source  :       http://supercoolpics.com

In the blue depths of the oceans there are more than 30 thousand. Fish species, as well as countless species of mollusks and crustaceans. Scientists still continue to discover and explore new representatives of the underwater world. It is worth noting that biodiversity can not be surprised. Sea Creatures differ from one another in size, shape, color; each is unique and beautiful in its own way, there are those who, through their quite strange appearance compared with alien life forms.


Средиземноморский долгопёр. (Beckmannjan)

Flying gurnard. (Beckmannjan)

 Риномурена. (Carmel Vernia)

Rinomurena. (Carmel Vernia)

Морской конёк-тряпичник. (Nathan Rupert)

Leafy seadragon. (Nathan Rupert)

Аксолотль. (Brian Gratwicke)

Axolotl. (Brian Gratwicke)



Североамериканский звездочёт. (Canvasman21)

North American astrologer. (Canvasman21)

Обыкновенный рогатый кузовок. (Mike S. Torres)

Longhorn cowfish. (Mike S. Torres)

Обыкновенный рогатый кузовок. (Russ)

Longhorn cowfish. (Russ)

Морской ангел. (2il org)

Angelfish. (2il org)

Актиния венерина мухоловка. (NOAA Photo Library)

Actinium Venus flytrap. (NOAA Photo Library)

Актиния венерина мухоловка. (NOAA Photo Library)

Grimpoteuthis. (NOAA Ocean Explorer) 

Гримпотевтис. (NOAA Ocean Explorer)

Phyllopteryx taeniolatus. (Chris Smith)

Phyllopteryx taeniolatus. (Chris Smith)

Caviar in the brood chamber in the male Phyllopteryx taeniolatus. (Chris Smith)

Икра в выводковой камере у самца Phyllopteryx taeniolatus. (Chris Smith)

Red-lipped batfish. (National Undersea Research Program)

Нетопырь Дарвина. (National Undersea Research Program)

Medusa Olindias formosa. (Vadim Kurland)

Медуза Olindias formosa. (Vadim Kurland)

Hairy clown fish. (Steve Childs)

Волосатая рыба-клоун. (Steve Childs)










